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Student Resource Page


Click on the pictures below to redirect to websites.

Daily Homework Site

Students k-2 follow teacher directions.  3-4 Click the pencil above.

Students 5-8 See Google Classroom below. 

Lonely Traveller
Shadow Request

Please submit if you are wanting to Shadow at the Local High schools. 

Google Classroom

Students in grades 4th-8th.  Use your full email address to log in. 

History/ Go Math 

Students grades 6th- 8th.  View your history and math books here!

Follett Destiny

Students grades K-8th.  Check out a library book here!

 Reflex Math and
Science Gizmos

Students grades 2nd-5th. Practice your Math facts.

6th- 8th.  View your Science Gizmos Labs.

Lonely Traveller
Service Hours Forms

Students grades K-8th.  Check out a library book here!

2022-2023 Website Sponsored by the AG Group

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